Malt to Mart 云上麦集

项目名称/PROJECT:Malt to Mart云上麦集, 项目类型/CATEGORY:烘焙咖啡, 坐落地点/LOCATION:福州, 面积/AREA:60m² , 时间/DATE:2024, 摄影/PHOTO:训楷, , , 该项目位于繁忙的市中心的一个小巷子,我们尝试做一个商业回归作坊的本质实验。在具有年代的城市肌理里我们希望这个新的作坊能像认识很久的老街坊邻居一样不突出和谐的嵌入到周遭环境里。在这个被商业化氛围营造的市中心,我们设计的初衷不是迎合,而是一个让人想走近、驻足的地方,就像你熟悉的邻里一隅,用这种反商业逻辑的手段竟然和业主达成共识,可能这也是i人的属性和真正的是想和这个街区长期的共生关系。让项目本身的状态尝试能够唤起人们对于过去那些楼下小作坊的温暖记忆,那种亲切和舒适的感觉。我们想要创造的不仅仅是一个空间,而是一个能够唤起社区情感共鸣的地方,有一种每天出门或回家时,总能遇见那些熟悉的邻里,我们可以停下来,轻松地聊上几句家常。, Located in a bustling downtown alley,We are attempting to conduct an experiment in which commerce returns to the essence of a workshop. Within the urban fabric that carries the patina of age, we aspire for this new workshop to blend unobtrusively and harmoniously into the surrounding environment, much like a well-known neighbor who has been there for ages. In the downtown area, which is steeped in a commercialized atmosphere, our initial design intention is not to pander, but to create a space that invites people to approach and linger, akin to a familiar corner of your neighborhood. Surprisingly, this anti-commercial approach resonated with the owner, perhaps because it aligns with the owner ,\\\'s attributes and a genuine desire for a long-term symbiotic relationship with the neighborhood. Using this anti-commercial logic, we actually reached a consensus with the owner, which may also be due to the owner ,\\\'s attributes and a genuine desire for a long-term symbiotic relationship with the neighborhood. The project itself is intended to evoke people ,\\\'s warm memories of small workshops downstairs in the past, that kind of intimate and comfortable feeling. What we want to create is not just a space, but a place that can evoke emotional resonance within the community, where there is a sense of familiarity, as if you meet those familiar neighbors every day when you go out or come home, and we can stop and have a relaxed chat about daily life.

▼建筑外立面|Building facade


《《 电动开启谷仓门后即变成屋檐形成与吧台沟通互动的咖啡座位             ▮电动装置由青骑士艺术社制作

The electric barn door transforms into an eave after opening, creating a coffee seating area that facilitates interaction with the bar counter

▼室内售卖|indoor selling area


《《 货梯的设定增加阁楼仓库的操作便利性

The provision of a freight elevator enhances the operational convenience of the attic warehouse